
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Jollimore. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Jollimore, Catherine Elizabeth 1781-08-03 1783-08-31
Jollimore, Catherine Elizabeth 1788-04-20 1868-05-00
Jollimore, Catherine Margaret 1791-11-08 1882-06-00
Jollimore, Christian M. 1778-06-30 1858-11-00
Jollimore, Jacques Louis 1754 1833-01-00
Jollimore, John Christopher 1802-02-07 1881-08-13
Jollimore, John George 1785-09-03 1869-08-18
Jollimore, John James 1804-08-08 1857-01-00
Jollimore, Mary Margaret 1799-04-25 1884-12-00
Jollimore, Susanna 1794-05-13 1887-04-00